Transforming Workforce Training Together

Welcome to The Lab

The Economic Mobility Lab provides workforce training providers with a collaborative and supportive environment to examine the current state of their training services, make program improvements, test new approaches, and scale operations to increase their capacity to serve more individuals equitably. By combining MDRC's expertise in workforce training and rigorous research methods with a human-centered design approach, we believe this new technical assistance lab can lead to higher-quality participant experiences and improved outcomes.

We believe in a human-centered approach

The Lab employs a technical assistance strategy grounded in human-centered design which aims to elevate the experience and expertise of those most impacted by engaging staff and participants in the development of solutions and new strategies as challenges are identified. Participating organizations can expect to use data to identify and analyze existing roadblocks, use human-centered design techniques to incorporate participant and staff input, and test new or expanded strategies which promote sustainability and continuous learning. 

Partners & Funders

EML is made possible through the generous support of various funders, including Ascendium Education Group, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to improving people’s lives through education and training beyond high school. Their support enables us to partner with and provide technical assistance to an inaugural cohort of providers which includes A. Philip Randolph Institute of Pittsburgh, JVS, Madison Strategies Group, and Towards Employment.

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